14:00 I love unloading inside my mom like this. There's no more intimate way to shoot your cum inside mom than missionary. Her legs are apart while my young, muscular body pushes my big stiff cock deep between her legs. Mom's beneath me so I'm in complete control, giving her my big dick exactly how I like it. Our bodies are close together and my cock slides into mommy at my natural erection angle, letting me shove my dick completely inside with every thrust. This is so wrong, I shouldn't be fucking mommy, but my rock hard cock disagrees. I lean on her, pinning her to the bed with my weight, and clutch her close with underhooked arms so she won't slide away. My body is on autopilot, contracting hard as I pump my mom with everything I've got. Omg I'm so nasty but there's absolutely nothing I can do to stop. It feels incredible to dig my dick deep inside mom and I moan with carnal desire directly into her ear. She cries out helplessly, totally powerless while I take her body to my satisfaction. I feel mom's bare body relax in my tight embrace as she submits herself to me, ready to be inseminated in her slingback heels. I can't believe I'm about to blast my cum into my own mother. "Ugh mom!" I utter aloud, acknowledging both her and how disgusting I am while shooting my hot cum inside. I come so hard, thrusting and heaving with my entire body as I deposit each load into mommy's womb. Finally, I collapse on her, spent, reveling in the afterglow while my cock continues to twitch inside my mom.